Steps to start a business in Arizona
On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Business Formation & Transactions on Tuesday, June 6, 2017.
New businesses are started every year in the capital city of the Grand Canyon State. Many of the entrepreneurs starting those businesses do so with the help of Phoenix, Arizona, business formation attorneys, who can help them make sure that they are in compliance with state laws and start their businesses the right way.
There are many steps involved with starting an Arizona business. One of the first is choosing a name for it. The name should be one that is either not in use by others, or not in use by others for a business of the same kind. If you choose a name that is just like that of another business in your field, there may be legal repercussions. Your attorney can advise you about those.
You can also check on the availability of the name you choose on the Arizona Corporation Commission website. When you are ready to go forward with a name, you will want to reserve it through the ACC website, mailing the paperwork to the ACC, or registering the name of your company a trade name with the Arizona Secretary of State.
Once you have a name established, you will want to get a website domain name. You will want to get one that reflects your company name, and perhaps the type of work that your company does. An easy to remember website domain name can make a lot of difference in drawing customers.
You will need to decide the type of entity that your company will be as well. Types include corporation, nonprofit corporation and Limited Liability Corporation. Each respective type can affect your liability and tax issues, so you will want to consult closely with your attorney to choose the right one.
Upon deciding the entity type for your company, the next step will be to file formation paperwork with the Corporations Division of the ACC. Of course, there will be additional steps after that, regarding tax applications, business licensing, identification numbers and more, all of which your attorney can advise you about.
Source: Arizona Corporation Commission, “Ten Steps to Starting a Business in Arizona,” accessed June 06, 2017