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Arizona coach sued by agency

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Business Litigation on Friday, September 1, 2017.

In the prosperous business environment of Phoenix, Arizona, deals are made daily between individuals and businesses. Many of those turn out well, to the financial benefit of both, but others go awry. The ones that go awry often result in each side needing to secure the services of a Phoenix, Arizona, business litigation law firm.

One recent contractual dispute is between the coach of the Arizona Wildcats, Rich Rodriguez, and the agency that used to represent him, Creative Artist Agencies (CAA). CAA recently filed a civil suit in U.S. District Court of Arizona. The suit, against Rodriguez and his wife, seeks the staggering amount of $230,050 of what CAA says are past due fees.

Rodriguez hired CAA in 2011 and fired the agency at some point in 2011. At that time, according to documents that were obtained by the Star, he stopped paying invoices. CAA acknowledges that Rodriguez terminated the business relationship, but says that he still owes outstanding fees to them for work that they did on his behalf.

CAA also says that they tried to resolve the matter with Rodriguez’s attorney before they filed the lawsuit. However, they claim, Rodriguez’s attorney refused to negotiate, noting that Rodriguez had terminated the business relationship between himself and CAA.

Rodriguez is a wealthy man, earning almost $2.9 million last year between base salary and bonuses. That made him the University of Arizona’s highest paid employee. In his five seasons at Arizona, he has a 36-29 record. According to the lawsuit, he agreed to pay CAA ten percent of his earnings from working for CBS sports as a TV analyst, and 4 percent of his earnings from his job as coach for the Arizona Wildcats.

Notably, the suit also references Rodriguez’s future earnings, which would add a very substantial amount to what CAA claims they are due. With so much money at stake, both sides in the dispute are expected to pursue their interests as the matter moves forward.

Source: The Arizona Republic, “Arizona’s Rich Rodriguez sued by former agency,” Michael Lev, Aug. 18, 2017

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