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Zoning issues need prompt attention

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Commercial Real Estate Transactions on Friday, October 4, 2019.

Looking for real estate for your business is sometimes a complex undertaking. Most people know that location is a top priority, but this is sometimes because you need to have a specific zoning code. Understanding zoning laws can be challenging but having someone on your side who knows what these mean and what to do if one needs to be changed can benefit you.

There are three primary zoning types you need to know. These are commercial, residential and industrial. Most businesses are in a commercial zone but even within these zones, there are subzones that you might have to consider. Sometimes, there are restrictions about what types of businesses can move into certain areas.

For example, you might not be able to open a bar or a place that features adult entertainment within a certain distance of a school. Some places also have restrictions about what’s allowable near churches.

Some businesses might need to have industrial zoning. This is common for manufacturing plants. Most of the time, noise is a concern for the area, so it is imperative that any restrictions on noise levels are taken into consideration.

Combination zoning is another area that you might come across. This simply means that more than one type of zoning is present. This is sometimes what’s done for mixed-use buildings like one that has a store on the street level and residential space above.

Agricultural and historic zoning are two specialized options that have very specific requirements. For example, a building with historic zoning likely won’t be able to be altered in any manner unless that alteration is approved by the appropriate entities. Buildings are usually restricted in agricultural zoning areas.

Anyone facing zoning issues must be ready to work to get them corrected. Determining what you need to do if this happens is a priority and an experienced attorney can help.

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