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You have options for handling a construction dispute

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Construction Litigation on Thursday, September 6, 2018.

Trying to choose the best contractor for a job takes a lot of research that includes vetting out the company’s history and checking references. There are times when you might hire a contractor who just doesn’t do the job you expected even though he or she had excellent references and a great project history. When this happens, you have a few options that you can consider.

One of the options is to discuss the matter directly with the contractor. A truly reputable contractor will be willing to do what needs to be done to please you. One who isn’t so reputable might not be willing to lift a finger to rectify the matter.

Another option you have is to review the contract you signed and find out what actions you can take beyond just speaking to the contractor. This might include going through arbitration or something similar.

Finally, you might be able to take legal action through the court system. This is often the last resort for property owners who don’t want a long and drawn out process. They just want to have the full use of their property to be able to do what they intended.

We know that you don’t want to have to take drastic measures in this matter. We can help you look into each option to determine what course of action you need to take. Our main goal is to get you what you need so that you can get the project done in alignment with the plans you created at the start of it.

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