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What are the steps in creating an LLC?

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Business Formation & Transactions on Friday, July 7, 2017.

Creating an LLC is not as difficult as you might think. Limited Liability Companies also offer a lot of benefits to the business owners who create them. Therefore, in many situations, the choice is clear: Do a little bit a research on whether an LLC is right of your, contact a lawyer, and draft the necessary paper work.

Most Arizona business lawyers will be able to help you with your LLC creation goals. They will also be able to tell you the potential pros and cons of classifying your business as an LLC, using another business model or maintaining a sole proprietorship.

Ultimately, when you decide to create an LLC, you’ll need to carry out the following five steps:

  • Decide on a business name that works for your market, that you like and that’s not already taken. Also, make sure that the business name complies with Arizona’s name regulations that apply to LLCs.
  • Submit your LLC formation paperwork, referred to as “Articles of Organization” and pay the filing fee.
  • Draft an operating agreement that dictates the way you will run and organize your LLC. This will make the responsibilities and rights of the LLC members clear to any court that may need to review the document.
  • You may need to publish a public notice that you’re creating an LLC.
  • Get all of the permitting and licensing documentation required to operate your particular type of business.

There’s no reason that you should be afraid of setting up an LLC. Especially with a skilled Arizona business formation lawyer by your side, you can create your LLC quickly, cost effectively and in a way that adheres to the letter of the law.

Source: FindLaw, “Forming an LLC,” accessed July 07, 2017

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