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Spring cleaning: Getting your estate in order

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in trusts on Friday, March 31, 2017.

As frigid winter days give way to spring breezes and blossoming plants, many people traditionally take some time to clean out the old and welcome the new. For most people, spring cleaning usually takes the form of opening the home, cleaning out clutter and doing a deep clean of items that don’t get everyday treatment, such as baseboards. You can turns the same attention to detail to estate planning to ensure you are prepared for the future, and spring is a great time to do it.

Begin by evaluating your current estate plans, if you have them. Has anything changed about your desires for your assets or heirs? Has something changes in your family, such as someone getting married, divorce or having a child? All of these things can be reasons to make alterations to your will, trusts or other estate documents. Just as you might make a list of all the chores you have for spring cleaning a home, make a list of things to do regarding your estate.

Next, check in with your estate planning attorney. Let them know that you want to make changes or just make sure your will and trusts are still in line with the rest of your plans. It’s also a good time for your estate attorney to make sure your plans work with your current location and any possible changed to the law. During spring cleaning of your home, you might hire a professional to assist you with gutter cleaning or specific needs; when working with your estate, a legal professional helps you get all the details right.

Our firm works with you anytime of year to create estate plans that help you meet long-term goals. From trusts to powers of attorney, we can help you ensure your plan is on track and sufficient for your needs.

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