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Resolutions for business disputes might come from negotiations

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Business Litigation on Thursday, July 26, 2018.

Many business disputes won’t need to go to trial for a resolution. In many cases, the parties can negotiate a resolution. This is often a much faster and less expensive way to get the matter handled.

Here are some points you should remember about negotiating these business issues:

Make decisions based on facts

You’ve built your business from the ground up, so you probably have an emotional attachment to it. Instead of letting your emotions get the best of you, make sure that you are basing your decisions on facts. You need to focus on what is best for your business instead of having a knee-jerk reaction and expecting something that is unrealistic.

Look at the big picture

Don’t become so focused on minor details that you forget to check out the big picture. One consideration that you need to remember is how the potential outcomes might affect the business in a year or 10. The long-term success of the business is much more important than trying to get it all your way right now, even if you are the party that is being wronged in the business dispute.

Avoid rushing

Trying to rush to a resolution is an almost certain recipe for disaster. Instead, carefully consider each option that you have. This gives you a chance to evaluate how they might help or harm you and your business for years to come. It might also give you a chance to decide what aspects of the matter and resolution are truly important to you. Ultimately, the health of your business must be the focus on every decision you make during the negotiations.

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