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Protect your investment from substandard work

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Construction Litigation on Thursday, October 12, 2017.

You want the structures you have had built to be built how they are supposed to be built. The last thing you want is to find out that the contractor you used didn’t use suitable materials or work methods. When you do find out that something is amiss, you need to take action quickly.

Construction litigation is one of the options that you have when the contractor doesn’t do things the way they should have been done. Whether your issue is with the planning phase or with the actual building process, you can take action to get the issue corrected.

We understand that this is probably something you never thought you would have to do. Even if you vetted out the contractor, there is a chance that something isn’t done properly. You should carefully consider the options you have for seeking compensation, especially if you lost the use of your property or had to do costly repairs to correct the work.

There are some questions that are bound to come up when you are trying to decide what to do. One of these is who you are going to seek compensation from. This might be the contractor, but it could also be a material manufacturer. The circumstances of the issue will come into the picture here.

The contractor might be liable if the issue was with workmanship or with shoddy materials if he or she knew the materials weren’t up to par. If the materials looked up to par but weren’t, the material manufacturer might be liable for the issues that you are having with the materials.

In all cases, we go over your case thoroughly so that you have an accurate idea of what options you have. We then move your case forward according to the instructions you give us.

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