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Parts of an estate plan can go into effect before your death

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Estate Planning For Business Owners on Thursday, November 8, 2018.

As a busy adult, you probably don’t relish the thought of adding anything else to your schedule. There is one thing that you need to think about adding to it today: estate planning. It might seem as though you have plenty of time to get this done; however, you just never know when something will happen that will require parts of it to be put into effect.

Some people don’t realize that there are components of an estate plan that can go into effect before they pass away. Your powers of attorney and advance medical directives are two that can be used even while you are still alive. These provide instructions about your wishes and names a person to make decisions in your stead if you aren’t able to do this for yourself.

We know that thinking about these types of situations isn’t on the top of your to-do list. Still, taking the time to make the plan now and getting it all into writing can help your loved ones immensely if you are incapacitated. These can provide a clear outline of what you are willing to accept for medical care and what you want to avoid.

The person who you give powers of attorney for your health care decisions should know how you feel about medical care. This will make it easier for them to ensure that your wishes are being followed. We can help you get everything set up and in writing so that you have it all together when your loved ones need to use it.

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