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Know the scope of a construction project

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Construction Litigation on Friday, November 8, 2019.

There are many factors that go into a construction project, but a reputable contractor should be able to help you walk through the ones that might impact yours. When you hire a contractor, you should have a contract that governs the project. This should be a very specific document that outlines the specifics of the project. It should also discuss what happens if any part of the project isn’t completed as specified.

The scope of the project must be clearly defined so that everyone involved knows what’s expected. Having a poorly defined scope can lead to problems down the road. The contractor might think that they are keeping up with the intent of project, but you might realize that there are aspects that aren’t being handled as you expected.

When defining the scope of the project, the contractor should take some of the common challenges into account. For example, contractors in this area should take the Arizona weather conditions into account when they are determining how long the project will take. Adding a buffer in case of inclement weather is beneficial because most clients would rather an early completion date rather than a late one.

If you find that the scope of the project isn’t correct, you will need to work with the contractor to get it corrected. This might involve some significant changes to the contract, including pricing changes and completion date modifications. Understanding these is imperative.

There are times when contractors don’t abide by the contract. In these cases, you might opt to seek legal action, but this might be limited if you are changing the scope of the project significantly.

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