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Get everything in order for a commercial real estate deal

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Commercial Real Estate Transactions on Friday, May 17, 2019.

Commercial real estate is often more costly than residential options. Companies will spend what they need to get the spaces they want, but this can pose interesting challenges along the way. It is imperative to find a buyer and seller who are on the same wavelength so that the transaction can be done as quickly and easily as possible.

There are many things that go into these deals. No matter which end you are on, you need to protect your interests so that you aren’t walking away from the deal wondering if you made the right decision.

If you are the seller, you need to know what you have invested and what you can accept on the deal. If you are the purchaser, you need to ensure that the property will work for you, so look consider the zoning, size, location and any other usage restrictions that might be present.

Once a buyer finds the property they want, they will likely want to move as quickly as possible. In order to do this, the seller has to be ready to move and the buyer needs to have funding already secured. If either side starts to drag their feet, the commercial real estate deal might not go through.

When you are ready to initiate a commercial real estate transaction, we are here to ensure that you are going about it in the right way. We can review paperwork and go over the applicable facets of the deal that can impact your future. We know that your goal is to protect your company and your personal interests in these matters.

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