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Deceptive trade practice claims must be defended vigorously

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Business Litigation on Wednesday, April 18, 2018.

The marketing claims that you make when you are trying to sell goods and services are important. They must be factual or you run the risk of being accused of using deceptive marketing practices. These claims can actually be very serious. Your business should be ready to defend against these issues because they can destroy your reputation and cost you money.

There are many different claims that might fall under the deceptive trade practices umbrella. The key to these is they try to defraud the customers because you aren’t being honest about what is being sold. In some cases, these practices can actually be safety hazards.

One example of deceptive trade practices is rolling back the odometer of a vehicle. This isn’t as common as it once was because of electronic odometers. Still, this can be a safety hazard because of the care that is needed for cars with higher mileage.

Another example is selling something as a new item when it is actually used. This is an issue because the person doesn’t have the full life cycle of the item since it has already been used by someone else.

Selling counterfeit items is another deceptive trade practice. This one is actually a criminal act that can see you facing charges. If this is what you are facing, you need to make sure that you are ready to address these charges.

Ultimately, you need to be sure that you are doing what is best for your business. If you are being accused of deceptive trade practices wrongfully, make sure that you prepare an aggressive defense against the claims.

Source: FindLaw, “Details on State Deceptive Trade Practices,” accessed April 12, 2018

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