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Construction delays can cost you money

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Construction Litigation on Thursday, April 4, 2019.

Delays in construction are a common occurrence that can have a negative impact on the completion day of the project. Contractors should plan for some level of delay, but there are sometimes things that can’t be helped. Even then, the burden falls on the contractor to decide what they need to do. These individuals have a contractual obligation to handle things on time so that you don’t have any financial losses because of the delays.

One of the most common delays that might occur in construction is the weather. Poor weather, including rain or flooding, can make it impossible to get outdoor aspects of the project done. This is one of those situations that should have a contingency plan in place.

Another possible issue is that the contractor’s crews are overbooked. This industry is one that is very fickle. Sometimes, work is scarce and other times, it is so plentiful that they have to start turning down work. In these cases, the contractors have to work to ensure that they have ample people there who get all the jobs done.

A lack of materials or supplies can also slow up a project. This become problematic if there are essential items that are missing. One important point to remember here is that the contractor shouldn’t use inferior materials or less desirable items just so that the job can get done.

A final common issue that might come across is that subcontractors aren’t being reliable. Some projects rely on subcontractors to get some aspects of the project done. When this is the case, things might not get done until those workers are done. This puts the contractor in a bad spot, but hiring reliable and professional subcontractors can help.

If there are delays in the construction project that are costing you money, you might choose to seek legal action. Review your contract and determine what to do to rectify the situation.

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