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Construction delays can come from unexpected issues

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Construction Litigation on Thursday, October 11, 2018.

Construction project delays can be very frustrating for the contractor and the person who is having the project completed. Many of the delays that come with projects are due to factors that can’t be controlled. The weather is an example of this. Supply shortages are sometimes another cause.

Home and business owners who hire contractors might start to get upset about constant delays. This is when they need to turn to the contract to determine what options they might have. In some cases, there isn’t much you can do. In other cases, you can take whatever course of action is laid out in the contract. This might be taking the contractor to court or it may be getting a discount or refund based on the length of the delay beyond the dates noted in the contract.

We realize that it can take a lot of energy and time to figure out what is best for your case. We are here to work with you to determine the underlying cause of the problem and find a way to address it. You don’t have to try to make sense of legalese on your own.

Oftentimes, the biggest concern for the person who is waiting for the completion of the project is being able to use the structure on time. Homeowners might want to get moved in on time. Businesses might have already advertised a grand opening for the location. Delays could mean that you have to scramble about to adjust your schedule.

Contractors should build in time for potential delays into the schedule they agree to in the contract. When this doesn’t happen, you might need to take legal action against the contractor.

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