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Common issue to watch for during construction

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Construction Litigation on Friday, January 18, 2019.

Construction projects often go as predicted, and you end up with a nice structure at the end. When this doesn’t happen, you have to figure out why and what the plan is to get things back on track. This isn’t always easy, but hopefully, you have a contractor who will work with you on these matters.

There are some common issues that you might come across when you are having a home or any other building built. Here are some you should know about if you are hiring a contractor:

  • Old blueprints are being used by subcontractors: Dating the plans and putting the blueprint date on all construction agreements can curb this issue.
  • Incorrect custom orders: Mistakes happen, but you should receive what you pay for. If there is an issue with a custom order, you might reap benefits if you accept the incorrect item, such as a discount or another gratis item.
  • Delays: Any issue with the project can lead to delays. These should be limited only to things that aren’t controllable. Reputable contractors will include some padding in the schedule to address possible delays.
  • Builder mistakes: These can cause significant delays and may change the scope of the project. Sometimes, alterations in the plans are made thinking you will appreciate them, but you don’t have to accept these at face value. Always question deviations.

Taking the time to find out what is going on and checking up on the construction site might help you spot issues before they become huge issues. If you find something amiss and the contractor won’t work with you to correct them, you might need to consider legal action.

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