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Commercial real estate transactions require detailed attention

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Commercial Real Estate Transactions on Friday, July 6, 2018.

Commercial real estate is a big investment. If you are going to take this step, you must make sure that you are protecting your interests. In the absence of this, there is a good chance that you will make errors that can prove costly. We know that you don’t want this to happen. We can help you to review these transactions so that you can make the best decisions possible.

There are many things to think about in these situations. One thing to watch out for is the zoning of the property that you are considering. If it is zoned for residential, you might be facing a rough process to get it rezoned. Learning about the possibility of this happening might help you determine if the property is worth the process.

You also need to look at the use of the property. In some cases, properties can only be used for specific purposes. This is similar to zoning since it can dictate exactly what you can do there.

You have to consider the terms of the purchase or lease. These might impact exactly what you are responsible for when you sign the paperwork. Thinking about insurance, property taxes, upkeep costs and similar points might clue you into any possible issues.

We realize that you don’t want to have to deal with unnecessary delays. We are here to give everything a once over so that you can find out any applicable points that you must consider. If there are any potential issues that must be addressed, we can help you with those.

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