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Britney Spears finances continue under conservatorship

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in guardianships & conservatorships on Friday, April 14, 2017.

A court can appoint a guardian for a number of reasons, and one of those is to handle the financial matters for someone who is deemed unable to do so themselves. Often, we talk about guardianships and conservatorships related to minor children or older relatives who are incapacitated. In some cases, though, adults who are struggling with physical or mental illness might also require help. Conservatorships are one way that family can provide assistance with financial decisions and management.

A judge deemed this was the case 10 years ago when he appointed someone to oversee the financial matters of Britney Spears. At the time, the pop star was struggling with mental health issues and it was deemed that she wasn’t able to make appropriate decisions about her finances, fortune and entertainment industry business matters. The judge at that time appointed Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, to handle these matters.

Even though the star has come a long way in 10 years — and many people close to her say she has been behaving soundly and doing well — she still isn’t in charge of her own finances. She is now around 45 years of age and unable to make those decisions for herself; her father reportedly is paid a salary of $130,000 to manage her affairs.

Some people are saying this is an unfair situation, stating that Spears works very hard and can’t control her own finances. One report does note that all financial transactions are recorded in court documents so that Spears’ interests are protected.

Meanwhile, the pop star has wrapped a 4-year stint in Las Vegas which was very popular. Reports are that she may return again to the city with a new show.

Source: International Business Times, “Britney Spears under conservatorship of father 10 years after mental health battle,” Alicia Adejobi, April 13, 2017

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