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Beware of substandard materials in paving jobs

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Construction Litigation on Friday, December 28, 2018.

When you hire out a company to build a structure or improve one, you expect that they are going to do a good job. Part of this means that they are using quality materials. One thing that matters for many projects is the type of paving that is done in conjunction with the building project.

A contractor who uses substandard materials for a paving job can lead to the job failing prematurely. This can mean that you have to deal with buckling or potholes in the pavement. Both of these will likely require you to have the job redone.

One issue that some contractors face is that locally available materials might not meet stringent standards that are necessary for these types of job, but they are cost-effective. They are in a tough spot because the cost of having proper materials shipped in might be costly. This is where they need to factor in these expenses when they bid out a project.

On the customer side of the issue is the conundrum of balancing cost and performance. You can’t think about only the upfront cost. You also have to think about the costs to correct the issues down the road if you approve the cheapest materials.

For some customers, a huge problem comes into the picture if they aren’t using a reputable contractor. There is a chance that you will pay for the higher quality materials, but the contractor will use the lower quality ones. In this case, there is a good chance that you will need to take legal action to receive compensation for the issues that are going to start popping up and for the breach of contract.

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