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4 important points to know before starting a business

On behalf of Kadish & Associates Law Group posted in Business Formation & Transactions on Wednesday, December 5, 2018.

The process of starting a business is more than just thinking of a cool idea and opening up shop. There are many things that you need to do before you help your first customer. You probably know the basic information like making sure you have the appropriate licensing, if applicable, and making sure that your business plan is in place, but there is more to it than this.

If you are trying to decide whether starting a business is the right thing for you to do, think about these points:

  • Your product or service must serve a need in your community. This ensures you will have a customer base that can support your business.
  • Be prepared to train employees. Even if you are a single person show right now, you will eventually have to hire people if the business grows. Prepare for training these individuals by coming up with a list of ideals and other information about your business. These employees will be the first line of contact with your customers, so they should accurately represent your company.
  • Distance yourself from the company. It is easy to become enthralled in the daily operations and then forget that you need a life outside of the business. This is especially important if you have a family at home that wants to spend time with you.
  • Money is important, but be careful where it comes from. The goal of a business is to have a positive cash flow. While this might not happen in the early months of the company, the goal is for it to support itself and you.

Some new small business owners find that it helps to have a mentor. You need someone who is strong and has a good understanding of the business world. This might help you improve your business savvy.

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