Creative Solutions
That Are Cost Effective

Phoenix Attorneys Providing Commercial Lease Negotiation Services

Commercial leases are often much more complex than residential lease agreements. There are intricate components, liability concerns and significant financial considerations involved, among other important matters.

Whether you are an owner or tenant, obtaining a highly skilled attorney experienced in handling commercial leases and negotiations is vital.

Assistance From Our Phoenix Real Estate Team

At Kadish & Associates Law Group, our Phoenix, Arizona, real estate team has over 50 years of combined legal experience handling lease agreements and many other business law matters for individuals and business owners located throughout the Phoenix area.

Our co-founding attorney, Gene Kadish, has more than three decades of legal experience alone and has obtained positive results for countless clients.

He is a former business owner and real estate developer with a thorough knowledge of all aspects involved with both sales and leases of commercial properties.

One-On-One Guidance To Help You Achieve Your Objectives

At Kadish Associates Law Group, we take the time to sit down with each one of our clients and fully understand the goals they wish to achieve.

From there, we will craft a strategy that gives our clients the best chance at attaining those objectives, all with a keen attention to detail to make sure no element is overlooked during the writing, reviewing and negotiation process.

Questions? Get Answers From A Knowledgeable Attorney.

If you need assistance with a commercial real estate lease, please call 480-967-2688 to set up a consult with one of our real estate lawyers.

Evening, weekend or flexible appointments available. Credit cards accepted.

Request For Consultation

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