Creative Solutions
That Are Cost Effective

Handling Mortgage, Lender Disputes For Phoenix Real Estate Owners, Investors

The financial aspects of a real estate purchase agreement are one of the most components to the transaction. Mortgage lenders have enormous responsibilities when it comes to the accounting of a loan. In some instances, however, mistakes happen.Perhaps a lender failed to properly account for a loan payment, assessed an erroneous fee or failed to notify a borrower or follow proper procedures regarding the sale of an original loan.When disputes, such as these arise, it’s important to contact a legal professional who can offer advice on the law and potential options available for individual circumstances.

Real Estate Negotiation, Litigation Experience To Help You

At Kadish & Associates Law Group, our Phoenix, Arizona, attorneys have extensive experience handling a wide variety of real estate disputes, including title matters and mortgage loan contests.

We can sit down with you, examine the situation and your documentation, and talk about a strategy. Contacting a representative from the financial institution may be a good first step.

Our lawyers are highly skilled at negotiation. Co-founder is well-versed in arbitration procedures, having resolved disputes through the American Arbitration Association.

If working toward a solution outside of court is not feasible, we are prepared and experienced to litigate the issue if necessary. Mr. Kadish has handled countless jury trials, obtaining many successful results.

Reach Out To Our Team: 480-967-2688

If you need assistance resolving a dispute with a lender, contact our office. We offer flexible appointment arrangements and competitive rates.

We also accept credit cards.

Click here to learn about our other real estate practice areas.

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